Project Management - Vilar-Hoynack Construction Company
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Our Services

Project Management

Our ability to provide quality service to our clients starts with our project management team and the process and procedures developed to execute it.

Our unique experience, refined over the last 27 years, has been instrumental in developing a management process focused on communication and proactive monitoring.

Our staff has been assembled to provide the experience and attitude to execute our client’s expectation based on our core values.

Starting from pre-construction and continuing into construction, our scheduling process provides constant and accurate monitoring.

Our proactive approach to scheduling and ability to react, assures we meet our scheduled goals. Scheduling drives all our company process from day one to close out.

The systems we have implemented have been developed and refined to assure the most accurate cost control and reporting.

We have made this a priority to our company’s development to assure that we can monitor and control costs through the entire process.

From procurement to final inspections, our cost control and risk mitigation processes assure our client’s expectations are met.

Call our team to talk about the success of your next project